Prenzlau State School is an enrolment managed school. This is due to our ability to physically accommodate children in the required space. To manage this process, we have a waiting list for all students outside our catchment area. To check if your address lies within our catchment, click on the
education catchment maps and type in your address. If you would like to check our waiting list, please email:
At Prenzlau State School we believe that children can derive tremendous benefit from taking part in regular nature play and learning outside of the classroom. This can help to bring many school subjects/areas of development alive as we focus on real results and consequences. For that reason, the outdoors can have a significant impact on addressing areas specifically in the Early Years Learning Framework as well as all areas of the Australian Curriculum. Nature play also provides experiential opportunities allowing children to respond positively to challenges and responsibilities, to manage risk and to cope with change. Active outdoor learning and frequent nature play readily develops the learning skills of inquiry, experiment, feedback, reflection, review, communication, problem solving, an enterprising attitude and cooperative learning – to name only some of the benefits.
Enrolments for 2025
Enrolments for the 2025 school year are now
open. In accordance with our enrolment policy, places will be confirmed by the end of November 2024.
You can view the Department's
online calculuator calculator to determine when your child can commence their preparatory year.